Category: Local Government Law

The Provincial Government has recently announced proposed revisions to the Local Government Act. The purpose of this revision is not to change the Act in any substantive way, but merely…

Todd Brothers Contracting Ltd. v. Algonquin Highlands (Township), 2015 ONCA 737 Introduction On November 3, 2015 the Ontario Court of Appeal released Todd Brothers Contracting Ltd v. Algonquin Highlands (Township)

Abbotsford (City) v Shantz, 2015 BCSC 1909 (“Shantz”) Introduction On October 21, 2015, The British Columbia Supreme Court released the decision Abbotsford (City) v Shantz, 2015 BCSC 1909 (“Shantz”). The…

Forestieri v. Urban Recreation Ltd. 2015 BCSC 249 This case is of significant interest from a risk management point of view even though it does not actually involve a local

Introduction On June 10, 2013, the Federal Health Minister announced new regulations for the prescription, production, and dispersal of medical marihuana in Canada. The regulations were published in the Canadian…